
20 Things Most People Wrongly Store In The Fridge


3. Avocado pears


Avocados take a while to ripen. Once they do, you must use them immediately, or they’ll rot. This is the time when you can put them in the fridge, for about a week. But if you refrigerate avocados when they are unripe, you retard the ripening process.

The ripening process is optimal when it happens at room temperature. In fact, avocados ripen well in a dark environment. That’s why putting them in a cupboard wrapped in newspaper ripens them.


4. Fresh garlic


Fresh garlic shouldn’t find its way into your fridge. Garlic becomes moldy and soft when it stays in the fridge. The cold temperatures in your fridge can stimulate the garlic to sprout. The fridge prevents the appearance of garlic from changing.

You won’t know if a clove of garlic is rotten until you cut it open. Store your garlic at room temperature, and you’ll easily tell if it’s fresh or not. Store chopped or minced garlic in the fridge.

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