
20 Things a Mother Should Tell Her Son


Whether you just brought home a bundle of joy from the hospital or you have been raising your son into a beautiful young man for years now, there are many positive messages that bear saying time and again.

As a mother, there are many decisions you cannot make for your son; someday, your boy will grow into a man and choose his own path in life: his own occupation, his own love, and his own beliefs and values. But there are certain things that any mother can say to her son to help him to make the most out of whatever life he chooses.


1. Get involved with activities at school


If you love sports, play sports. But know that you can do any activity that brings value into your life. That could mean anything from membership on a sports team to membership in the physics club or chess club. If there is no club for you, start one of your own and lead the way.

Never assume you are too different to find a place among your peers, even if that place hasn’t been established yet.

2. Become part of a community, and look for ways to help others


Volunteer, donate to charity, or set up a food drive. What goes around comes back stronger. Do your part to help others, and you will enjoy the immediate reward that comes with knowing that you improved another person’s life. There are few things which can create greater happiness.

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